Pantry Essentials – Mint

Mint or spearmint is frequently used in Greek cuisine. Aside from the wonderful flavor it imparts, mint is a powerful antioxidant with a variety of health benefits.
We often think of mint as an herb used for sweet dishes. However, it is just as delicious in savory dishes. This holds particularly true when combining mint with tomatoes and onions. The flavor profile is completely different from when it is paired with sugar and adds depth to the acidity from the tomato.
Two particular savory Greek dishes where mint playes a stellar roll are stuffed peppers and tomatoes or “yiemista” and fried beef meatballs or “keftedes”.
Buying, Growing and Storing Mint
Most grocers carry packets of fresh mint and it is easy to grow your own.
One frustrating aspect of buying fresh mint from the store, is that you often only need a portion of the mint in the container and by the time you are ready to use the rest, it has gone bad. This can be solved by storing the packet of fresh mint in the freezer. You can either store it in the freezer in a zip lock bag or freeze it using water and ice cube trays.

If you are going to grow your own mint, be sure to grow it in a pot. The herb is very invasive and will take over your herb garden if not properly contained.
In addition to fresh and/or frozen mint, be sure to keep some dried mint in your pantry. The aroma of dried mint is less pronounced than that of fresh mint but it’s always nice to have in a bind.